OHSCTA Google Group

The Oregon High School Chess Team Association google group listserv is used to communicate with team coaches and other interested team leaders throughout the year.  It is a valuable tool for those with players registered for or otherwise interested in HS Team Chess.

1) Am I on the listserv?  If you are receiving emails from ohscta@googlegroups.com that have [OHSCTA] at the start of the subject line, you’re on the listserv.  (You should also be able to go to groups.google.com to check; from there you can also manage how / when you receive emails from the group.)  If that [OHSCTA] is not there, you’re not (I’ve added you from registration forms, probably).

2) Joining. If you are not on the listserv, you can join the group by sending an email from the account you want to add to the following email address (no need to add anything to the subject line or the text of the email):


(Note that some school systems prevent their email addresses from being used to join google groups.  If that is true for you, you might need to choose another personal email to add yourself to the list.)

3) Leaving.  If you are receiving this email from the listserv and want to be removed from the listerv, simply send, from the email address you want removed, an email with no subject and no text to the following email address.  Goodbye!


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