
2025 Championship @ S. Umpqua High School

Date: February 28 and March 1, 2025


South Umpqua High School
501 Chadwick Ln.
Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

Registration Fees:

Early registration (through eleven days prior – Feb. 17, 2025):
$150 per team (any classification, five players)
$30 additional individuals (participating separately from their team, but all alternates will be placed onto open teams)

Regular registration (ten to two days prior):
$175 for teams
$35 additional individuals

FINAL DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION: Wednesday, February 26, 2025 (Wednesday before the tournament)

How To Register and Prepare for Attending:

  1. Confirm eligibility for students and teams (see below under Eligibility, Teams, Awards, and Sections for further discussion).
  2. All participants must be USCF members.  Go to this link and purchase USCF membership voucher for only $12 and then follow instructions.
  3. By the deadlines above, email the following information to drnancykeller at
    • Intent to register 
    • School and OSAA classification
    • Coaches name, e-mail and phone number
    • Team(s) you are registering (Varsity, Junior Varsity, Open or combination thereof)
    • Team by board order (strongest player on 1st board, 2nd strongest player on 2nd board, etc). Player’s full name, grade, e-mail contact for player, USCF ID#,and eligibility status i.e. student, homeschool inside district boundary, alternate school inside district boundary, special exception requested, etc.
  4. Mail checks, made out to OHSCTA, c/o Nancy Keller, 94417 Rink Creek Lane, Coquille, OR 97423. 
  5. Prepare an Eligibility Certification for your players on Varsity or JV teams confirming their eligibility status under the Bylaws. This should be a signed letter of certification on school letterhead from your superintendent, principal or athletic director listing each player by name and their qualification (see bylaws for additional information) to be e-mailed before the tournament to drnancykeller at (or brought directly to the tournament site). You must have this information in order for teams to play in the Varsity or JV Division.
  6. Review tournament etiquette, details of play, and the schedule (see below) with your players.
  7. Send Final Team Board Order by Midnight on Wednesday before the tournament. All teams must present their first round lineup via email by midnight on Wednesday before the event or the lineup will be in rating order. Changes need to be made with the Executive Director drnancykeller at  Last minute changes may not be approved due to time schedule.
  8. Travel to the tournament location for tournament play on Friday, check in between 4:00-4:30 pm. Bring your Eligibility Certification as well as payment if it hasn’t yet been made.

5-Round Schedule


4:00pm-4:30pm: Check-In
5:00pm: Player’s meeting
5:30pm: Round 1
8:00pm: Round 2


9:00am: Round 3
11:30am: Round 4
2:00pm: Round 5
5:00pm (approx): Awards ceremony

Eligibility, Teams, Awards and Sections

Time Control and Sections: Time control will be G55D5 NWSRS and USCF rated. Sections will be fixed two days prior to the event by the Executive Director, in consultation with member coaches and the TD. Individuals may be placed in an individual section or (more likely) combined to form an open team. We will find a way to make sure that everyone gets a chance to play!

Awards: Awards will be given, as appropriate, to the Overall Varsity and Overall JV team winner based on the following definitions, and according to OSAA Classification (top score amongst 6A teams, top score amongst 5A teams, etc.), although schools in classifications with small numbers of participants may be grouped to form a larger combined class section (i.e., 3A-2A-1A).

Eligibility and Team Definitions: The tournament is open to all Oregon students in grades 6-12, whether they have participated in a league or not.  Please check our bylaws to learn more about tournament eligibility.  To find out the OSAA designation for your school, visit  Washington state players may not be eligible for prizes, but are welcome to participate as open team participants.

  1. VARSITY TEAM AWARDS: Varsity teams may be formed of five students who attend school or reside in Oregon high schools, grades 9-12. One team per high school allowed. See the bylaws, since homeschool students can, in appropriate circumstances, play for the public school of the district they reside in.
  2. JUNIOR VARSITY TEAM AWARDS: JV Teams may be formed of students who attend school or reside in Oregon schools, grades 6-12. One team per high school allowed.  Middle School Teams made entirely of middle school students will also play in this section. If trouble finding players, with special permission elementary players will be allowed.
  3. OPEN TEAMS: Open Teams may be formed by any group of students who attend school or reside in Oregon or Washington, grades 6-12.

Seeding: Each player on the team will be assigned a rating based on their highest established rating in the NWSRS and USCF. If both are established or neither is established, we will assign the higher of the two. If a player is not rated in either system, they will be considered unrated and receive a rating per NWSRS guidelines of 100 points per grade (example – grade 10 = 1000 rating on unrated players). For purposes of pairing/seeding, the team’s average rating will be used.

Questions about this event or future events?

For questions regarding tournament play or eligibility, as well as to submit requests for special allowances, contact Executive Director Nancy Keller at drnancykeller at

Interested in hosting a future in-person event?
Championship Host Information
Championship Prep “To Do” List