To start a League of your Own…
Helpful Hints from Mike Wolfe, former director of the Southern league: “When I decided to form a league, I sent out letters to nearby schools and invited them to call me if they were interested. I got three calls, which gave us a four team league. The next year, another school joined us, and the following year, another joined, so we were up to six schools. The advisors meet in late October to review the by-laws, address issues, assess dues, and agree on a schedule of matches. Then we play!” If you have sample league documents you’re willing to share, or helpful hints on starting a league, please contact us . For additional information, contact one of the current OHSCTA officers or one of the Schools in your area. Internet League? Early in the Internet era, OHSCTA tried to put together an internet league. Some old information about that league is linked here; there are certainly more current approaches that would make this more realistic; in 2015, Wilson and The Dalles played an online match via FICS. If you’d be interested in organizing this further, though, contact OHSCTA at OHSCTA.org! |
DIRECTOR: Mike Meyers (Willamette HS) SCHOOLS: Churchill, Creswell, Junction City, Marist, Pleasant Hill, Sheldon, Springfield, Willamette |
DIRECTOR: April Lutz; Ed Addis (coordinator) SCHOOLS: Access Academy, Catlin Gable, Clackamas, Cleveland, Grant, Hillsboro, Jesuit, La Center, Lake Oswego, Lincoln, Wilson |
DIRECTOR: Nancy Keller SCHOOLS: Cottage Grove, Marshfield, Oakland, Roseburg, Coquille |