February 6, 2006
TEAMS – Clatskanie Lakeview
Board 1 – Michael Taylor Jason Marcus
Board 2 – Trevor Shelby Max McKinnon
Board 3 – Zach Davis Matt Voelkoel
Board 4 – Double Forfeit
Board 5 – Double Forfeit
(bold = win * = draw)
Clatskanie 2 points total
Lakeview 1 point total
January 23, 2006
TEAMS – Lakeview Clatskanie
Board 1 – Max McKinnon Michael Taylor
Board 2 – Caleb Howard Trevor Shelby
Board 3 – Jason Marcus* Bryce Horness*
Board 4 – Nathan Farley Greg Foster
Board 5 – Double Forfeit
(bold = win *=draw)
Clatskanie 3.5 points total
Lakeview .5 points total
January 9, 2006
(System Check = 7 Rounds)
Clatskanie = 13
Lakeview = 30
Clatskanie = 13
Lakeview = 13
CCC, Michael Taylor……………..7
CCH, Michael Siltala……………..2
CCI, Adam Siltala………………..4
LVA, Max McKinnon………………4.5
LVC, Caleb Howard………………4
LVD, Jason Marcus……………….4
LVE, Nathan Farley……………….4.5
LVG, John Pittman……………….3
LVI, Parick O’Keefe………………4
LVJ, Jared Fitzpatrick…………….4
LVK, Jonathon Boothe…………..2
LVR, Emily Hedlund………………F
This was a system test. Clatskanie had a bit of difficulty signing on at first because of a school-wide system failure, but arrived within 10 minutes of scheduled start. All players took a bit of time getting used to the software. It was decided to hold a round robin blitz so everyone could try things out and learn commands, etc. Several suggestions were made:
1) All coaches need forms to track their players scores.
2) Choice of colors should be made clear (first player listed on board one will be white, colors will alternate from board to board after that)
3) All players & coaches need guidelines for proper etiquette on FICS.
Chris and Kate approved the bylaws with two changes, which have been made. It was decided to test yahoogroups at the next meet for use as an alternate meeting location.