OHSCTA Meeting 2/28/2020
Annual report
- Tournament –
- Good number of teams for southern tournament, going smoothly, Todd May serving as Head TD
- Thanks for Jeff Dobbins for work behind the scenes.
- Varsity and JV/Open combined this year only for pairings, but not for awards
- Good for JV teams experience in coming next year for playing Varsity
- Grateful to Harrison Elementary for hosting the site – with giant chess boards outside.
- Next year – scheduled to be up North. Wilson would have $700 custodial fee. OES may have facility but may be capped to 140 players. Hope Chinese Charter, Holy Trinity, PCC. Date – possible Feb 19-20 or Feb 26-27 or Mar 5-6
- (Prior years: Advertise on web site, OSCF web site, send to high school principals)
- (Prior years: Waive tournament fee for host site if no rental fee)
- Discussion to keep OHSCTA as THE high school team event
- Idea of offering silver chess.com accounts rather than scholarship – could that grow into virtual team tournaments;
- League reports –
- Idea – offer Blitz tournament in conjunction with regular tournament to make league tournaments more attractive
- Idea – Virtual chess to try to get more participation; Andrei will try to get accounts donated, distribute 5 to each school, use to set up team competitions.
- Reports:
- Portland – Maureen Kenny, League Coordinator
- Small again – only 7 schools, 7 teams, 6 round Swiss, second half Round Robin
- 47 players
- Westview took 1st place, Lincoln 2nd, Catlin 3rd
- Clackamas, Cleveland, LaSalle, LaCenter, Access, Lake Oswego did not participate
- OES new this year
- Hillsboro rejoined
- Hope to have LaSalle back
- Mid-western – Mike Meyers
- Similar to last year – 6 schools/teams with combinations – double round robin
- A new Chess for Success school in the Eugene area
- Willamette HS 1st, Junction City 2nd
- Southern – Nancy Keller
- Had to back down because running OBOB
- Gave up Myrtle Point and Bandon
- Individual achievements – Aaron made IM, Josh OR champion
- Portland – Maureen Kenny, League Coordinator
- Financial report – $1620 registration fee, $894 trophies est., $375 ($200 TD fee, $175 expenses) TD fee, $200 hosting support, $70 OR reporting fees, $??? scholarships. See detailed report here.
- Starting balance $1372.92
- Estimated ending balance $1383.92
- Nancy reports no scholarships this year – no time to get donation
- The outstanding scholarship obligations are something of a question mark. On one hand, as best I can tell, they were awarded at a $200 per person level ($1000/yr) in 2016-17-18-19. Total obligations were therefore around $4000, and we’ve paid only $1960 since 2016. It’s not clear if Community CU still owes us money or not (I see only $1400 in historical deposits), but worst case scenario is that we have $2040 in scholarships that might be requested to be paid. Which is…. too much given our balance. On the other hand, Nancy suggests that scholarships were all supposed to be claimed this year (though there’s nothing specific in writing as best I can tell), and I certainly think that the 2016 scholarships seem unlikely to be requested (though not impossible). So we might end up facing requests to pay anywhere from $0 to $2040.
- Have paid ahead on internet for coming 3 years (about $100/yr)
- Treasurer recommends
- Raise early registration To $125/team, $25/individual; regular/late to $150; first time team $100
- No scholarship this year, or time-limited on when they can be requested (e.g. within 4 years)
- Nancy reports does not expect rest of scholarships to be claimed
- Elections
- Treasurer – Jeff will remain as treasurer for 2 years remaining in 3 year term
- Executive Director – Nancy willing to continue, opened position with no other volunteers
- Secretary – remains open, Jeff doing some of the secretary work, Kathryn will take and distribute notes at meeting this year
- Bylaws – No proposed amendments
- Board awards – think about best way to do individual awards
- Current – Overall top, 6A/5A top, 4A/3A
- Suggestion to give 1-2-3 for each board, independent of school classification
- Think about for next year
- Called to order approx. 8:20 pm; Adjourned 9:04 pm