by Mike Wolfe, 2005-07 OHSCTA Executive Secretary
The annual meeting of the OHSCTA took place on the evening of Friday, February 23, 2007 at Portland Christian High School.
On the agenda were the following:
a. Annual report of the Association given by the Executive Secretary–(Mike Wolfe)
Mike welcomed everyone and thanked those who played a role in organizing and/or hosting the tournament. Special recognition was extended to Alan Svehaug, our host, Dan Sharp, Tournament Organizer, Pearl Yu, Linda Peake, and Kris Field-Eaton, our registrars, Jon Nuxoll, our treasurer, and Jonna Schuder, who kept the hospitality room stocked with various kinds of goodies.
Mike went on to comment that the Association has grown significantly during the past two years, and that each of those years we have hosted our biggest tournaments ever. He expressed thanks to all who over the past two years have provided him with their opinions and wise counsel, and indicated that ours is a great organization because the people, most of whom are volunteers, make it so.
b. League reports–(Portland-area league, Steve Hawke; Midwestern League, Dave Swanston; Southern League, Mike Wolfe)
The PIL/Metro League report was that 14 teams were in the league this year and that there were some weather issues that kept the schedule from going smoothly. They are looking at the prospect of breaking into smaller leagues if more schools apply for membership.
Dave Swanston of Springfield is in his first year as the Midwestern (Eugene-area) League Director. His league had eight teams participating this year, as two of last year’s teams left to help build a new league south of Eugene. They played a seven-round season, again with some disruptions by weather, but felt that things went well.
Mike Wolfe of Cottage Grove joined with coaches from Oakland, Sutherlin, Roseburg, Marshfield, and Coquille in forming a new Southern League. The six teams played a double round-robin season both at the varsity and JV levels, meaning that there are actually 12 teams. Travel is an issue in this league, as the two teams furthest apart, Cottage Grove and Coquille, must make a 260 mile round trip to play one another. Nevertheless, the inaugural season was a successful one.
c. Tournament issues:
A question arose about the possibility of starting round 3 early on Saturday morning, rather than playing it on Friday evening. Another suggestion was to shorten the two game/90 Saturday rounds to game/60, to better accommodate moving Round 3 to Saturday. When the coaches were told that the constitution required an amendment to move rounds, and that such an amendment would require a 2/3 majority, an amendment was made that, by a majority of votes, coaches should be able to move the rounds between the days. After a second and much discussion, the amendment failed, 22-5.
d. Committee reports-Jon Nuxoll gave a treasurer’s report that indicated that the Association is very healthy financially. His report will be available on-line after some final expenses are calculated. [See below for final report – JCD 3/13/2017]
e. Tournament Organizer’s report– Dan asked for questions and there were none. Again, we thanked Dan for his outstanding work in getting our tournament underway.
f. Elections–Kate Taylor of Clatskanie was the overwhelming choice of the group to become the next Executive Secretary of the OHSCTA.
g. Amendments to the Constitution–None
h. The date(s) and potential sites for the following year’s tournament(s): We are currently looking at a proposal from Roseburg High School for February 22 and 23. Because there are some costs involved, our constitution calls for us to know those costs and to deliberate before finalizing this opportunity.
Clackamas came forward with an offer to host the event in 2009.
i. Other items of interest to the members–Mike Wolfe came forward to ask Kate Taylor for permission to form a committee to take a look at our awards. Our constitution gives the Executive Secretary broad powers to determine what and how many awards to give out. Once Kate granted her permission, Mike asked for interested parties to come forward if they would like to join him in serving on the committee. (At this time, Alan Svehaug of Portland Christian has volunteered. As the chairer of this committee, I would like to have one member from one of the 6A and one member from one of the 5A schools take part as well, so that everyone’s interests can be represented.)
Again, I thank everyone for the outstanding contributions you all make to the OHSCTA. I have had a wonderful tenure as Executive Secretary, and deeply appreciate the many kind words that I received from you.
Thank you all,
Oregon High School Chess Team Association
2006-07 Financial Report DRAFT (July 1, 2006, to June 30, 2007)
Beginning balance (7/1/06): $1,729.86
Income (details below): $3,254.00
Expenses (details below): $2,266.91
Ending balance (6/30/07): $2,716.95
2006-07 Income:
Tournament fees (not including Marist High School*): $3,189.00
Credit from Marist High School*: 65.00
2006-07 Expenses:
State non-profit corporation filing fee: $50.00
Chuck’s Trophies: $1,482.06
Neil Dale (tournament director): $200.00
Ed Addis (assistant tournament director): $125.00
Jonna Schuder (hospitality room): $142.30
Alan Svehaug (additional trophies): $85.00
Lisa Kudva (fee refund): $18.00
Amy Coughlin (cartridge refund and gratuity): $164.55
*The OHSCTA 2006-07 account is run through Marist High School of Eugene, which
adds a credit to the OHSCTA chess account to cover its tournament fee.